Telegram Notifications

Smarticks Telegram Notifications: Technical Overview

Smarticks integrates with Telegram via bots to deliver real-time notifications for mailbox events. These events include:

  • New conversations
  • Customer replies
  • Conversation assignments
  • Conversation updates

The functionality utilizes the Telegram Bot API to send notifications to designated channels, groups, or chats.

Key Points:

Mapping: Granular control is provided by mapping specific mailboxes to individual chats, allowing for targeted notifications.

Spam Filter: Be aware that notifications include conversations flagged as spam by the Smarticks filter if the “Conversation Created” event is enabled.


  1. Bot Creation:
    • Interact with the @BotFather bot in Telegram to create a new bot and obtain its unique API access token.
  2. Smarticks Integration:
    • Enter the acquired API token in the “Bot API Token” field within the Smarticks Telegram Notifications settings.
  3. Telegram Channel:
    • Create a new channel or leverage an existing one for receiving notifications.
    • Grant admin privileges to your newly created bot within the channel settings.
  4. Channel Refresh:
    • Send a message to the configured channel.
    • Refresh the Telegram settings page in Smarticks to populate the chat list.


  • Missing Chats:
    • Verify the API token accuracy.
    • If chats are not populating, send a message to the designated Telegram channel from your account and refresh the Smarticks settings page.
  • Notification Delivery Issues:
    • In environments like Cloudron, clearing the cache via “Manage > System > Tools” might resolve notification delivery problems.
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