Email Commands

Email commands allow you to update SMARTICKS conversations from your email client

These commands can only be used when replying to an email notification, email commands will not work when used within the SMARTICKS interface. When replying to an email notification, any text entered will be visible to the customer. Use the @note command to add a note, which is visible to your team members only. Commands are functioning only when replying to the email notification. They do not work when forwarding emails, etc.


Only one command can be used at a time. <text> Text accompanied by no command is sent as a reply to the customer. @note Adds an internal note, which is visible to your team members only. It’s not possible to reply to the customer and add a note at the same time.

Parameters: text of the note Example: @note Thank you for your inquiry @assign Assign conversation to another user’s.

Parameters: first name, full name or email of another user’s Example: @assign John Doe @me Assign conversation to yourself.

Parameters: no parameters required @status Set conversation status. Parameters: active, pending, closed, spam Example: @status pending @active @pending @closed @spam Set conversation status accordingly.

Parameters: no parameters required @tag Add one or more tags to the conversation (comma separated). Requires Tags functionality. Parameters: tag name Example: @tag bug report, vip

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